Well, I'm guessing that either MM9 did so good or that fans just really wanted it(Leaning to the first) Capcom as announced that Mega Man 10 is coming!
From what has been given so far, the game will be downloadable for nearly all consoles(Wii,PS3,360 and Psn!) The game will once again be in retro style as will the abilitys of Mega Man himself.
Some of the bosses have already been released, like Sheep Man, a Elec sheep robot that can transform into a cloud and shoot electricity at you. And Commando Man, I'm sure you can guess, but he's your blow-you-up guy.
Also, ProtoMan will be ready to play fomr the get go as will another unnamed robot, and no it won't be Roll. (So it's probably Bass..or Duo..maybe) Some big news is that I've heard that this game may be like the Power Battles, which means yes, it MAY be a possible 2-player co-op!
The story is that after MM9, robots have suddenly got a cold...or virus called Robotenza, and Roll catches the virus. O_o Anyways, in order to save her, our Blue Bomber has to go off and fight 8 robots to get the peices for the cure.
Anyways, everyone get ready and grab your Busters because the game's set for March!!! Kudos!