The Zenith is a brand new faction that has arose recently. As far as anyone knows, the leader of this group is simply reffered to as," The Master". Aside from that nothing else is known about him. He does however, lead four Generals who in turn lead an army known as the Omniloids. Only one General has been identified, his name is Merix. The others are still unknown for now. Info on the Omniloids are scarce, however they are known to be as strong or stronger than a typical Maverick and can also match them in their numbers.
More info will be given as more information in gained. We-Zzztthh-a-ztth.....
"I am the Master of the Zenith. I have come to declare war on all the goverments of the world. I cannont be stopped. I am perfection. All who declare their loyalty to me shall serve. Those that do not, will die" Hello?? Ah, sorry! Looks like someone hacked the network. In any case, the area is here. If you excuse me, I have to some missions to get under way. Good luck!!