Hello all, just wanted to put up some rules for the Fanfiction area.
1) Fanfictions must go in their correct forums.
2) Fanfictions must all be correctly rated BEFORE the 1st chapter is posted. (Ratings go from G to A. post the rating correctly)
3) All fanfictions must post any warnings about their content before the 1st chapter
4)Anybody not correctly rating their fanfiction will be subject to the Banhammer and my personal fav, the Ban Buster(Mk III).
5) There will be no pornagraphic fanfictions. (I will allow some ecchi and whatnot, but it better not go past what is usual for an anime. I WILL BE WATCHING....)
Okay, I will noe be giving you the Rating system in it's entirety with some explainations(not that you reall need it but..). Anyways, here we go:
[G]: You're standard rating. It can have action, romance, comedy, ect. It CANNONT have blood, gore, anything past kissing, launague(this means all kinds of launague. No F***, or anything else.), or other types of objectional content. If you want the quick version, this the nicer version of Saturday cartoon shows for kids. I expect it to stay that way. *Glare*
[T]: This is the step up after [G]. It of course has action, romance, ect. It can have some blood, kissing, and some (SOME) launague. There cannont be any gore or heavy dipcitons of blood, no ecchi scenes, No strong launague, or other objectional content. Things akin to Naruto, or somthing like that would go here.
[A] This is the step up after [T]. It has most everything. It can have the blood and guts (however, I expect limiations on this), the ecchi scenes(again, moderatly), and launague. While this is for adults, please remember that there are kids that do visit this site, so do try to show SOME ammount of moderation.
For now that's it. If it is needed I will expand the rating system. If you have any questions about the Rating system or about posting fanfictions, feel free to ask in the inquiry thread. Thanks and have fun!