Start powered-up Enter 4152 1345 3186 as a password.
Full power Enter 1546 3168 4761 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by StreetSk8ter1090.
All items and all opponents defeated Enter 7437 6482 1256 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by JAWG10.
All Bosses defeated; no items, armor, energy tank Enter 4723 2486 1324 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Locke_gb7.
All items and weapons Enter 2653 3858 7584 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by websurfertai.
All items including Hadouken, all Bosses defeated Enter 2653 3848 7587 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Christian Coombes.
Armor, helmet, acceleration, several heart tanks, 3 sub tanks (All Bosses are intact) Enter 1152 1176 2181 as a password.
Almost all heart tanks, 3 extra energy tanks, armor, helmet, boots, blaster Enter 6544 8278 6228 as a password.
All items except for the Hadouken. Enter 8441 2136 4421 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Killah.
All power-ups except for the fireball and four hearts Enter 1131 6718 8226 as a password.
Super armor, helmet, boots, 4 extra energy tanks Enter 8447 2136 4426 as a password.
All heart tanks, all sub tanks, have the helmet, armor, dash boots, and arm cannon; Octopus, Penguin, Mammoth, and Kuwanger are defeated Enter 7438 3816 1421 as a password.
Super helmet, super armor, super blaster, super acceleration Enter 7431 3842 8523 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by A.J. Buisson and Onix691.
Helmet, leg, arm, armor, 3 energy tanks, 3 heart tanks to collect, all bosses intact Enter 6548 7728 4554 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by MacLT.
All levels completed, armor, super gun, helmet, boots, 4 energy tanks, all extra hearts, at Sigma with Hadouken. Enter 8441 2176 4423 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Magnus1017.
Hadouken ready to use with all sub tanks full, all cannon upgrades, all armor uprgades, all heart tanks, and all enemies defeated except Sigma Enter 8447 4626 6155 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by DarKknighT.
Final Sigma stage Enter 3673 2137 2484 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by jthauer.
At Sigma past Spider and alive wall, at tanker with all the items, armor, boots, helmet, super gun Enter 2653 3858 7584 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Taylor McCamon.
All armor at eighth Boss Enter 1422 7422 3756 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Sai hoi.
Ultimate armor Enter 5373 1284 3647 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by KBol711.
Five levels completed, last three levels unfinished Enter 3673 4627 3661 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by JMBlessitt.
All heart tanks, all sub tanks, helmet, all armor, dash boots, and Launch Octopus, Storm Eagle, Flame Mammoth, Chill Penguin, and Boomer Kuwranger defeated Enter 3673 3168 5574 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Justin.
At last level, all sub tanks, all energy hearts, 9 lives, all sub tanks full, all items including Hadouken Fireball Enter 8447 4666 6156 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Justyn Speck.
All parts, helmet, armor, beam, shoes, all hearts, all energy tanks, all Bosses defeated except Sigma Enter 2656 6488 3248 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Onix691.
All armor, subtanks, hearts, with no one defeated Enter 3475 5668 2581 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by razorzedge79.
All items, all armor, purple power-up shot, Hadouken fireball, all Bosses defeated Enter 2656 6418 3242 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by James Fischbeck.
All armor, weapons, and items; at final fight with Sigma Enter 7437 6482 1256 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Nick Dominguez.
X starts with armor, cannon, a few heart tanks, and one energy tank; most difficult beginning Bosses defeated Enter 8888 8888 8877 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Slave.
All items, all turbo hearts, all Bosses defeated, all armor enhancements, and Hadouken Enter 8447 4626 6155 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by amanda oman.
All weapons, no enemies defeated, full health Start the game and allow the demo to play until X uses the "homing missiles", then go to the password screen and enter 7443 2241 1221. It will sound as a "wrong" password, but the game will take you to the very beginning, with all weapons and full health (city level). Information in this section was contributed by [Shin] Zeratul.
All bosses defeated, all power-ups, all energy tanks, the Hadouken, all Hearts Enter 2653 3848 7587 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Gary D. P..
Stronger weapons Enter 4653 2342 7546 as a password to start with all the items, all weapons, three life packs, and all sub-Bosses defeated. Information in this section was contributed by hallsh1.
Everything, but no bosses killed Enter 3475 5628 2593 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Jacob Sung.
All armor/weapon upgrades, all Hearts and Subtanks, no Bosses killed, no special weapons Enter 3475 5628 2583 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Jacob Sung.
Dash Boots, Hard Helmet,and Pink X-Buster Enter 6614 4387 6718 as a password. Information in this section was contributed by Kyle Webb.
Ending bonus: Complete the game and wait approximately one minute at the thank you screen.
Extra life: Enter 2656 6418 3242 as a password, then go to Armored Armadillo stage. Before the boss gate , climb over the top to find found a big life power-up. Collect it, then exit the stage. Repeat this less than five times and you can find a hidden weapon next to the big life power-up. Note: Make sure the spare life is full. Information in this section was contributed by Sai hoi.
Have Mega Man sit: Begin game play on Storm Eagle's stage. Pause game play and press A, B, A(3), B(2), A, B, Select. Information in this section was contributed by cartoonland.
Hint: Getting the Hadouken fireball: Get all items except for the Hadouken. Fill up all four energy tanks and enter the Armored Armadillo's level. Get on the cart just before the end, then jump over to the wall. Shimmy up the wall, then quit the level. Repeat this approximately five or six times until a capsule appears. Enter the capsule to gain the Hadouken. To use it, press Down, Forward, Y after your character is at full health. Information in this section was contributed by Killah and Lucky72999.
Get every item, then successfully complete the Armored Armadillo level four times. Your life meter must be full at the end of each time. On the fourth time, climb up the wall at the end of the level to find a capsule that contains Dr. Light. He will give you the fireball attack. To use this, your life and all of your abilities must be full. Rotate the D-pad and press Y. Note: This status will not save and must be unlocked again with each new game session. Information in this section was contributed by Corey Kelly.
Note: You must have Acceleration and Helmet. Go to the Flame Mammoth stage. Get to the beginning part of the miners that throw picks at you. Notice on the left and up high are a few sections of wall that are darker then the rest. Press A, B to dash jump and break through that wall. Inside is a capsule that will pop up, and you get the Hadouken. Information in this section was contributed by Stinkypoo82.
Get all the parts, sub-tanks, and heart tanks. Go to the Armored Armadillo stage. When you get to the last cart ride, jump. You will see the capsule by the energy. Go inside. To do the Fireball, press Down, Down/Forward, Forward. Information in this section was contributed by Dking89.
You must get everything, then play through the Armored Armadillo stage five times getting the health item, then quitting after you get it. The fifth time you get up the ledge, there should be a capsule containing the Hadouken Fireball. To fire the Hadouken, press Down(2), Left(2), Y. Information in this section was contributed by Xero D.J. Axel.
Hint: Get Upgraded X-Buster early: The Helmet, Boots, and some luck are required for this trick. You usually get the Upgraded X-Buster from Zero, but you can get it much earlier than that. In the Flaming Mammoth Stage, there is a part where mine workers throw picks at you, and where you get the heart and sub-tank. Before you enter there, there is a small location that you can break with your helmet just at the entrance of that room. With luck, you can reach the place with your boots and break the blocks with your helmet. Then, climb straight up to get it. Information in this section was contributed by peter xiong.
Hint: Better weapons: Hold Shoot until Mega Man turns purple, use L + R to select the desired weapon, then release. Information in this section was contributed by HEAD_HUNTER.
Ice The ice shotgun will create an ice sled that you can ride. It will break apart when it hits an enemy that has armor.
Tornado The tornado will create a giant vertical tornado. It will not suck people in, but it will kill anyone who touches it.
Missiles The missiles will turn into blade-like objects that will have more of an effect on enemies. They are also homing.
Spark The spark will create two walls on both sides of you that will kill anything on contact, except for Bosses.
Sting The sting will make you invincible for a short amount of time. You can walk through enemies, but not walls.
Shield The shield will create a giant shield around you, but it will shut off after hitting something.
Blades The blades will turn into giant versions that make a loop before going off the screen.
Fire The fire will create a wall of fire that will go along on the ground until it reaches an edge. Note: It takes awhile to charge up so do not use it during Boss battles.
Hint: E-Tank locations: Information in this section was contributed by websurfertai.
Flame Mammoth stage Go until reaching the little opponents that throw the picks at you. Instead of going to the exit, go up the platforms until you reach the extra life. Dash left and jump to find an E-tank.
Storm Eagle stage Go to the part just before the hover platforms. When you see the opponent on the rising platform, kill it. Ride the platform to the building in the air, and shoot through the glass.
Armored Armadillo stage When you reach the first cliff with the miner machine, set the machine off, climb the wall, and run to where the machine started.
Spark Mandrill stage You will need to get the Boomerang Cutters first. Go to where you can climb a ladder up or down. Go down and destroy the defense units. Do not go up the next ladder. Instead, equip your Boomerangs and jump straight into the air and fire one. It will catch the E- tank and return it to you.
Hint: Boss weaknesses: Information in this section was contributed by Patches72688 and Kendrick Childers.
Chill Penguin: Fire Launch Octopus: Shield Armored Armadillo: Spark Storm Eagle: Sting Spark Mandrill: Ice Sting Chameleon: Boomerangs Boomer Kuwranger: Missiles Flame Mammoth: Storm Sigma's Head: Shield (does two hits and does not need to be charged)
Hint: Recommended order: Information in this section was contributed by steve baxley.
Chill Penguin (use Megabuster) Storm Eagle (use Megabuster) Spark Mandrill (Use S. Ice) Armored Armadillo (Use E. Spark and Megabuster) Flame Mammoth (Use Storm T.) Launch Octopus (Use R. Shield and Megabuster) Boomer Kuwranger (Use Homing T. with lots of energy tanks) Sting Chameleon (Use B. Cutter)
Alternately, use the following order: Information in this section was contributed by nason.
Alternately, use the following order, using the weapon of the previously defeated Boss to defeat the next Boss. Information in this section was contributed by scott nichols.
Use the following order if you do not want to return to too many stages for the power-ups and capsules. Note: You will not be able to use most, if any of the Boss weaknesses by doing this. Information in this section was contributed by Bigbadblue002.
Hint: Extra lives in Armored Armadillo stage: At the very beginning of Armored Armadillo's stage, there is a cart that goes down for a short distance before leveling out again. On the ceiling are a few places where the roof juts out a bit. On each of these is a bat. On around the fifth one is a small black ball that when you approach reveals itself to be another bat, though you do not see these anywhere else. They are actually visitors from some of the original Megaman games. You cannot shoot them while they are in ball form. Wait for them to start flying towards you. Also, these bats happen to give you an extra life quite often, so this is a good place to stock up. Information in this section was contributed by Tibobri and Ssj2vagita.
Instead of taking the wheeled cart, walk down instead. On the way down the slopeyou will see a huge bat. Kill the bat and it will usually drop a life. Do this repeatedly to get as many lives as desired. Information in this section was contributed by Not2bNamed.
To do this trick, you must have all the power-ups except the Hadouken Fireball. Go to the Armored Armadillo stage and on the very first cart, do not get on it. Instead, start walking until there is a brown round ball on the roof. It is actually a bat. Shoot it with the second powered up X-Buster and an extra life will appear. Do this as many times as desired. Information in this section was contributed by Roger Sweet Jr..
Hint: Easy Subtank fill-up in Armored Armadillo stage: the rolling shield to create a shield around yourself, then just walk along the beginning ramp and let the shield wipe out the bats without worrying about taking any damage. Information in this section was contributed by Talaeladar.
Hint: Dash boots in Chill Penguin's stage: After the rolling enemies and the bats, wall jump up the rock wall. The dash boots will be in a capsule just after the ledge you land on Information in this section was contributed by Zak Cooper.
Hint: Armor upgrade in Sting Chameleon stage: Before you enter the tunnel with the falling rocks, climb up the wall above it. There will be a green machine there. Fight it. Note: Its weak point is the head. When you defeat it, a capsule will appear from the ground. The armor upgrade will be inside. Note: This will also stop the falling rocks in the tunnel. Information in this section was contributed by WChr9.
Before you go into the cave where the rocks fall from the ceiling, dash jump onto the ledge and wall kick up it. Once you reach the top, a tower of rocks will fall behind you, and a powerful claw enemy will attack. Shoot at its head and dash under it when it jumps. Wall kick up the wall when it uses its claw attack. After you defeat it, an upgrade capsule will appear containing the Power Armor. The rock tower behind you will explode and no rocks will fall in the cave, except for the rock throwing enemies. Information in this section was contributed by Zak Cooper.
Hint: Energy Extender at Sting Chameleon stage: Go to the place where the rocks fall from the roof. Do not go in. There will be a hole there. Slide down it. On the right side, there should be brown bricks. Jump from side to side until they all break. When you are done breaking bricks, stand there and dash forward before you are at the edge. If you make it across, the Energy Extender should be there on a platform. Information in this section was contributed by Brando Briseno.
Hint: Helmet upgrade in Storm Eagle's stage: After the series of platforms and flamethrower enemies, you will reach a tower that you must wall kick to advance. Slide down the opposite side and dash jump onto the ledge. Inside a room is the Helmet upgrade. Information in this section was contributed by Zak Cooper
Hint: Energy Extender at Launch Octopus stage: Go forward until you see a tornado-like thing that goes up. It is blue in color. Get on one and you will go up out of the ocean. If you do not see a ship with oil cans on it and little flying robots that appear, keep going forward. If you see more, go on them until you see a ship. It will be on the right side. On the front of it is something that resembles a blue circle. Shoot it with your fire until it starts smoking. Stay on it. It will sink. Wait until it touches the bottom. You will fight a metal snake. Defeat it and it will explode. When it is done exploding, keep going to the right and the Energy Extender should be there. Information in this section was contributed by Brando Briseno.
Hint: Fill health tanks and weapons energy in Sigma's stage: You will start at the bottom of a "pit". Charge yourself with the shield weapon so that you have a shield around you. Climb up the wall and stand next to the holes on either side where the bugs come out. Keep jumping up on the wall and stay directly on the hole. The bugs will come out and your shield will kill them. Each time you kill them you will get an item such as an extra life, health, or energy for your weapons. Information in this section was contributed by Tyler Burger.
Hint: Defeating Armored Armadillo: Shoot the Armored Armadillo with your electric spark gun when he is vulnerable. It will electrocute him, all his armor will fall off, and he will be much easier to kill. Information in this section was contributed by Todd Hindman.
Hint: Defeating Flame Mammoth: Get the Boomerang Cutter and go to Flame Mammoth's stage. When you reach him, use the Bommerang Cutter on him. After a few hits, his trunk will fall off, and he will not be able to shoot out oil or change the conveyor belt's direction. Information in this section was contributed by Tranihu.
Hint: Defeating Launch Octopus: To get rid of Launch Octopus's Piranha "homing missiles", use the Boomerang Cutter a few times to cut off his arms. Information in this section was contributed by Raze230.
Hint: Defeating Sigma: Use the Sting Shot. Information in this section was contributed by Tyler Burger.
For Sigma's head, if you sit on the right hand, slightly to the left, you will not get hit as much. You can just stand there and shoot him. Information in this section was contributed by Tyler Burger.
When battling Sigma's last form, use Rolling Shield on his head. Do a jump, then shoot. Note: This seems to be the only weapon that can damage him. Information in this section was contributed by Eduardo Arroyo Villaseñor.
Hint: Defeating Sigma's pet: The Wind weapon is most effective. Information in this section was contributed by Tyler Burger.
Hint: Defeating Storm Eagle: Get the Dash Boots on Chill Penguin's level. Then, go to Storm Eagle's level and proceed until you battle him. When he is on foot, he might spit out mini-eagles at you or try to blow you off the plane. When he spits the mini-eagles out, dodge them with Dash, then destroy them. If he tries to blow you off the plane, dash towards him and fire at him. Keep firing until he flies back up. When he swoops down at you, keep dodging him. Repeat this process until he is defeated. Information in this section was contributed by Selina.
Use the following trick complete the Storm Eagle stage in ten seconds or less. Start the level and jump on the moving platforms with the robots that grab you and explode. Jump to the levels with a robot that shoots a spiked ball and chain. You can complete the level instantly. Jump and shoot the ball as it is about to hit you. If done correctly, and you cannot get hit, the screen should fade and you should receive the Storm Tornado. Information in this section was contributed by Xeoneex.
Hint: Defeating Vile: When Zero destroys Vile's powerful armor, you will start fighting Vile. Use missiles. They are very effective against him. Information in this section was contributed by reinhold hora.
Hint: Defeating the last master: Keep climbing wall on left side all the way to the top while recharging your shot. When he jumps off the wall directly under you, jump off the wall, then shoot and rapidly climb the wall again. You should be away from his offense, and in the air he has no defense. Information in this section was contributed by Medwin Macea.
Hint: Password warning: You cannot save the Hadouken (fire ball) in a password, nor can you save where you were in the fortress using a password. You will have to always get the Hadouken again and redo the fortress. Information in this section was contributed by Yoshiro. Level Password After Vile 5385 7136 6321 Chill Penguin defeated 6385 5336 5364 Storm Eagle defeated 6483 7376 5124 Flame Mammoth defeated 1573 5232 7264 Spark Mandrill defeated 5131 7358 4181 Armored Armadillo defeated 5147 8437 4536 Launch Octopus defeated 1556 6642 7448 Boomer Kuwranger defeated 5151 3427 4261 Extra Life Tank 5447 4177 4536 Sting Chameleon defeated 4131 6712 1221 Glitch: Invisible enemies: Start Flame Mammoth stage and go to the place by that huge treadmill that drops robots out and smashes them. Jump on the big robot heads and jump up in to the hole it fell from. After you run across the top of the screen, you can skid and jump of a ledge onto a far out platform where all enemies are invisible. Note: If you fall you will lose a life. Information in this section was contributed by Zë®ø 56.
Glitch: Start with no life: Enter 7443 2241 1221 as a password. The game will beep as if it is wrong, but the password will still be accepted. You will start at the highway with 0 out of 0 max bars of life. You cannot go anywhere, and will have to reset. Information in this section was contributed by Miles Pr
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