Hello all! Well, I finally dicided to go ahead and post some of my art. It's been scanned off for the most part and it's usually in B&W. Ehh, oh well. Here it is:
Which Side do you choose?
Mega Man X: Chaos Nightmare Armor
Final Battle:Drawing Attempt
Maverick Battle
Midnight, Twilight, Solar
Shadow Serium
Well there they are!!! Yeah, they kinda suck, I know. But, ehh. Hope you like them!
-- Edited by Mega Man X on Tuesday 8th of September 2009 07:55:17 PM
Okay! Here's some more! Here's my version of Omega for the X series.
Here's my idea for a new Mega Man Series, Rockman S!
This is an idea for the Legends series, Rockman Theta.
Another Omega idea.
Here's an idea for the Final Normal Armor for Mega Man X of my series. The X Cross Armor.
A possible Space station for the Mega Man series, Starwater.
Now, here's some pics for a new series that me and a friend is trying to make, before I show these pics, I want to just say that all characters are properties of their respectful owners, including my characters and my friends, Valor Grim. Please do not use these pics without proper permission first. Okay! here they are!
lol, yeah I was thinking about trying to shade one side of the tree to give it some 3D-ness to it, but I'm not too sure how it would work out. Backdrop and backgrounds are not my strongest points when it comes to drawing....TT
Yay! More pictures. Some of them became a little lighter in shading when I scaned them, but ehh....I blame sunlight. In anycase, Tis time around I'll be adding some pic of the characters in the story as well as some other stuff. Don't worry, I'll explain everything as we go though. ^^
*Ahem* without futher ado....
There's X throwing his Charge Shot. ^^ I'm thinking of trying to color this.
That's Josh Light becoming Mega Man X. ^_^)-b
A new character!! Note the "Mega Man: Purfier Unit X" is only and idea for a name. ^^ It's not offical or is it his name. Just something I was working on.
Another pic of the new Mega Man. Just who is this guy????? heheheheh.
And, to everyone who may eventually join the Federation, here's your leader!!! The Supreme Commander!!!! A lot of the ideas to create this person came from Ar Tonelinco series. ^^ In any case, this what the Supreme Commander will pretty much look like. Enjoy.
This is a far away shot of one of the battles that will take place in the storyline. Why? When? How? I cannont say. But you can expect this to happen...........
Well, that's it for now. hehehehe. There's accuatly a lot more, but there's some problems. 1 being that I seemed to have somehow misplaced one of my art books that had the drawing of the other characters and 2 some of the character that I DO have, I cannont show because the story has not progressed enough to show them yet. That and I'm pretty lazy, I guess. heheheheheh. In any case, I will be working on a lot more of the characters of the story and be posting them up as soon as I can. ^^ I expect to be working on some of the bad guys and some of the members of the Factions. Like Cmd.Jet Blade, Vertex, ect. ect.
Aside from that, if you guys have any pictures of your characters or would like me to try to draw(no promises on how good it'll turn out) any of your characters, feel free to let me know or post them. ^^
I think you made it ALL up. eheheheheh WGA stands for Weekly Gift Art. If you go to the megamannetwork(i.e. Atomic-fire, is what I call it) you can see my pic. ^^
YAY more pics. I'll Try to talk about them as I go. Enjoy!
X During the Final Battle!!! I just wanted to see how X would look and I wanted to put a more stable area or battle scene together. So here's how it turned out. ^_^
X and Zero right before they PWN Omega. ^_^ I always liked the Telos(I think that's what it was) Tracks part where X and Zero finally throw the Final Strike at Omega. So I drew it. ^_^ (Still....I could do some more work on this pic......)
In light of Legends 3 coming out I have been trying to put together some MML pics. Not GREAT one at that but.....ehh, here they are:
Look at it sideways, lol. It's Elysum and Eden above Terra at daybreak. Just wanted to draw a space pic. ^^
Just the cliff I like to draw during the Legends era. ^^
Uh, I've always been wondering about the Elder System and stuff. So I wanted to make an Elder. So here he is. ^_^
Just some idea about some Reverbots that I made. They have their names and stuff. If you want more info, ask.
The 2nd set of Reverbots. I like drawing them. ^_^
This is my idea for the shuttle that has to go up and get Rock and the others up on Elysum. ^_^ Just wanted to make it.
Annndddd one that isn't about Mega Man. O_O_O_O_O Yeah, this is Forge World of Halo Reach. The Scanner didn't do a great job of it though....
Anyways, there they are. I'll try to post more later as I can. Enjoy!
lololol, gift? Dunno about that one. Haha, and sadly I can really do IS draw. My coloring and stuff leaves a LOT ot be desired. Thanks for the complements, just the same. ^^
ehh, I've used photshop and stuff, lolol. I would guess my problem is that I just don't really want to put in a bunch of time to accuatly make an awesome colored pic. lolol. Not too long ago on AF/MMNT, I drew and colored a pic, that I did like a lot. It turned out pretty dang well. lolol. I'm just too lazy I guess, ahahahaha.