Battle Network Chips (working)
okay so putting this together rather quickly, so yeah, watch out for typos. rules: 1: 30 chips in a standard folder. 2: No more than 3 of the same chip 3: No more than 5 Mega Chips 5: No more than 1 Giga Chip. rules can be subject to being bent or broken but that is only possible through the use of "Certai...
Mega Man X
Folder Rules
Okay, Folder Rules are as follows. They are fairly standard to how it is will BN and SF, but maybe with some slight changes. There can only be a total of 30 cards in 1 folder. You can only have a total of 3 of the same type of card as well. You can make up to 2 Folders and have 1 Extra Folder. There can be 30 Stan...
Mega Man X
SF RP: Battle Card and P.A. List
There is a list of all of the Standard, Mega, Giga, and Special Battle Cards that are allowed to use in the SF rp. Any and All P.A's that are discovered in the rp will be listed here as well. (Ignore the ???? stuff that's the forum/mylist not converting japanese to the correct script) ID Name At...
Mega Man X
N1-Folder A
Below is the standard Folder use during the N1-Grand Prix. No other folder is allow unless otherwise directed. N1-Folder A (N1-FldrA)Hi-Cannon HHi-Cannon HHi-Cannon IHi-Cannon JSonic Wave GSonic Wave GSonic Wave GZap Ring 1 AZap Ring 1 AZap Ring 1 *Lance ZBoomerang 1 HBurner FInvisible *Invis...
Mega Man X
Lei's Chip Folder
1. Sword 2. Sword 3. Sword 4. Widesword 5. Widesword 6. Longsword 7. Longsword 8. Firesword 9. Aquasword 10. Bambsword 11. Elecsword 12. Dashatk 13. Dashatk 14. Shotmeteor 15. M-Cannon 16. M-Cannon 17. AntiSword 18. Thunder 19. Thunder 20. Condor 21. Invis 22. Barrier 23. Barrier100 24. Barrier20...
Serei's Chip Folder
BASIC FOLDER FOR GIGGLEBYTE(starting): |036|ElecSwrd|*** | Elec |23| 130 |EKNPV |Elec: Cuts fwd 3 squares |045|SonicWav|** | ----- |26| 80 |GIMSW |Shock through enemies |043|Slasher |*** | ----- |12| 240 |BDGRS |Cut while A button is held! |053|Condor |**** | ----- |44| 180 |BILSZ |Chrge...
Jaden chip folder
1:Sword 2:WideSword 3:LongSword 4:M-Cannon 5:Barr100 6:Plasma3 7:Burning 8:ZapRing3 9:NoBeam3 10:RockArm3 11:Rook 12:TimeBomb 13:Discord 14:Recov120 15:Recov200 16:Mole3 17: M-Cannon 18: WideSword 19: sword 20:longsword 21:Slasher 22:GutImpct 23: ZapRing3 24:Recov120 25:Team2 2...
BN Chip folder
This is for Airis.exe? I dunno how these things are structured so here we go. (you might notice a pattern that's not on purpose or anything nope) Let me know if there's anything wrong with it? I didn't play BN so I'm assuming that this is all good and dandy, pfft. Sword x3 WideSwrd x2 LongSwr...
Hello all~ Well here is my most awesome battle chip folder that I will be using to pwn people with~ RUN IN FEAR! MUahahahahahahaha~ Cannon Hi-Cannon M-Cannon Sword Wide Sword Long Sword Slasher Area Grab Area Grab Rock Cube Rock Cube Aura Recover 300 Sanctuary Anti Dmg Anti Navi Muramasa Godstone He...
Mega Man X
Cyrus's Chip Folder(s)
1. M-Cannon 2. M-Cannon 3. M-Cannon 4. Shot Meteor 5. Magnum 3 6. DynaWave 7. DynaWave 8. Burning 9. Sword 10. Sword 11. Sword 12. LongSword 13. AirSword 14. Slasher 15. Prism 16. AntiSword 17. AntiSword 18. Recover 150 19. Recover 150 20. Recover 300 21. Barr 200 22. Grass Seed 23. Vulcan3 24. Vulcan3 2...
Battle Card Folder for Daren
Heavy Cannon x3 Break Sabre x3 Tidal Edge x3 Strike Edge x3 Arbo Edge x3 Bushido 3 x3 Aura x2 Super Barrier x2 Recover 300 x2 Wide Sword x2 Long Sword x2 Plasma Spread x1 Giga Card: Millikick Total cards: 30
Folder list for my characters:
Okay, here's Will's folder list for now: Folder 1: Solaris Burst 1.Stealth Laser 2 2.Stealth Laser 2 3.Plus Cannon 4.Plus Cannon 5.Plus Cannon 6.White Meteor 7.White Meteor 8.Long Sword 9.Long Sword 10.Grand Wave2 11.Grand Wave2 12.Strike Edge 13.Invisible 14.Invisible 15.Stealth Laser 2 16...
Folder #1 for Cleo Grimm :flame:
01: Plus Cannon 02: Black Ink 03: Long Sword 04: Typhoon Dance 05: Tornado Dance 06: Super Barrier 07: Stealth Laser 3 08: Recover 300 09: Mech Flame 3 10: Mad Vulcan 3 11: Sword 12: Wide Sword 13: Long Sword 14: Bushido 3 15: Mega Crusher 16: Flame Axe 17: Mu Technology 3 18: Time Bomb 1 19: Aura 20: Mad Fire 1...
Tron Bonne
Derrick Kusanagi Battal card folder
1. Tornado Dance 2. Heavy Cannon 3. Radar Missile 3 4. Mad Vulcan 2 5. Wide Sword 6. Synchro Hook 3 7. Ice Spin 3 8.Wide Wave 3 9.Stealth Laser 2 10. Buzzsaw3 11. Flash Strike 2 12. Beast slap 1 13. Beast slap 2 14. Beast slap 3 15. Black Hole 2 16. Wide Wave 2 17. Recover 80 18. Recover 120 19 Recover 150 20. Reco...
Folder1 for Craft Vollnut
01: Cannon 02: Cannon 03: Plus Cannon 04: Plus Cannon 05: Heavy cannon 06: Heavy Cannon 07: Recover 300 08: Pegasus Magic GX 09: Mad Vulcan 3 10: Mad Vulcan 3 11: Sword 12: Wide Sword 13: Long Sword 14: Bushido 1 15: Bushido 3 16: Bushido 2 17: Blazing Edge 18: Drill Arm 3 19: Aura 20: Silver Meteor 21: White M...
Mega Man X