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Forum: Mega Man History

Interested in the history of Mega Man or any of the series? Wanna know about the X-Team's history? Check it all out here!!
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Mega Man Rp Timeline
A complete timeline of every major event that has thus far taken place in the Mega Man Rp Timeline
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X-Team Data information

December 1, 2009
Started By Mega Man X0 Comments
Hello all! Well, if you ever wanted to know what Mega Man X and the other's armor was comprised of and some extra stuff. Here it is. In all honesty, this is really for me so that I can get all of this data down, so yes, it's incomplete. I will continue to work on it as I can. In the meantime, enjoy!







File Number: 001

Name: Mega Man X

Human Name: Josh Light


Status: Former leader of the 17th Unit, current leader of the X-Team.


Rank: SSS


Armor:  Lightweight "Titanium-X" alloy.


Head: Head is equipped with: Broad-range Eye Camera, Ultra-sensitive Voice Recognition System, Voice Generation System made by HAYATOM Inc.


Chest: Chest is equipped with:Accumulative Energy Generator, Micro-fusion Fuel Tank, Central Joint-controlling System


Arms: Arms are equipped with: X-Buster (Mega Buster Mark 17), Energy Amplifier Variable Weapon System


Legs: Legs are equipped with:Gyroscopic Stabilization System, Emergency Acceleration System (Optional)



Internal Skeleton: Radioactive armor skeleton which reduces damage by 93 percent. Radioactive armor neutralizer which reduces raidoactivity to acceptable levels.



Main Weapons: X-Buster, Ultimate Sword, Martial Arts


Attacks: Charge Shot, Hadouken, Shyroken, Annihilator Hadouken, X-Slash, Nova Strike, Giga Crush, Illusion Slash, Copy Illusion, Tri-Slash, Charge Punch, Final Strike, Triad Thunder, X-Aura,


Special Armors: Light Armor, Hyper (Max) Armor, Giga Armor, Falcon Armor, Gaia Armor, Fourth Armor, Shadow Armor(Shadow), Blade Armor, Aero Armor, Carrion Armor, Fusion Armor, Nova Armor, Phoenix Armor, Hermes/Icarus Armor, Heavy Arms Armor, Shield Armor, Final Armor, Advance Armor (Alpha,Omega), Samurai Armor, Fighting Spirit Armor, Noble Armor, ???? Armor,???? Armor


Bio: Mega Man X is a Maverick Hunter who’s background is a bit of a mystery. The only data known is that he was built by Dr.Light. He has been though many battles and has earned the rank of SSS with the Federation. He was once the leader of the 17th Unit Division of the Irregular Hunters, but left to form his own group, the X-Team. He is current Leader of the group and was last seen fighting with the Federation against the Zenith.



File Number:002


Name: Zero

Human Name: Shokunin Kagemusha


Status: Former Leader of Special 0 Unit. Current member of the X-Team


Rank: SSS


Armor: Lightweight Zerona Alloy


Head: Head is equipped with:


Chest: Chest is equipped with:


Arms: Arms are equipped with:


Legs: Legs are equipped with:


Internal Skeleton:


Main Weapons: Z-Saber, Z-Buster, Martial Arts


Attacks: Z-Slash, Charge Shot,


Special Armors: Black Zero, Absolute Zero, Jet Zero





File Number:  003


Name: Bass

Real Name: Kei




Rank: SS




Head: Head is equipped with:


Chest: Chest is equipped with:


Arms: Arms are equipped with:


Legs: Legs are equipped with:


Internal Skeleton:


Main Weapons: Bass Busters, Earthbreaker, Aura




Special Armors: Treble Boost,


Any questions about some of this stuff, feel free to ask in the General Area! Kudos!

history of cyber x

November 4, 2009
Started By CyberX1 Comments
Around the time that the MMX armor and the Zero battle armor was created, Wiley was also working on another project...he was designing two different armors...the Crusher and Thrasher battle armors...designed to worke in perfect unity of eachother, he needed two people who were very close...his two grandchildren....Ryonen and Khoen... more later! sorry its taking so long but im using a

X-Team History

November 2, 2009
Started By Mega Man X0 Comments

Hello all! Well, strap yourselves in for another LONG history lesson. ^^
Like the regular Mega Man History thread, I will be updating this as I go. (Because like the Mega Man history, this is long too. No joke)

Okay, so where do I begin?...hmmm...let me see...

In the year 200X, Dr.Wily went to war aganist everyone to make an attempt to rule the world, much like the beginnings of the regular Classic Series. Dr.Light, in response, built a suit for his son to fight aganist him. This man was known as Mega Man. After a long battle, Mega Man finally stopped the schemes of Dr.Wily and brought peace to the world....for a time.
However, everything was not completly over with. The Dr.Wily had also built armors like Mega Man to one day fight aganist him and ultimatly beat the Blue Hero.

But! Dr.Light had also thought about the future and with this in mind, he soon developed another armor. However by now, Mega Man had grown too old to fight aganist new threats. Therefore it was decided that Mega Man's son, Josh Light, would inherit the new armor. His name would be known as Mega Man X. However, Josh Light himself at first did not want the armor or the responsibility. But with the future slowly looking grimer and the dissapearance of this father and the good Dr.Light, Josh Light knew he had no other choice but to become the hero that the world soon needed.

Some time later, in response to the growing threats, the Maverick Hunters were soon formed under the banner of the newly established, Federation Goverment. They continue to do their best to keep Mavericks at bay and help wherever they can. It was to this group that Josh Light soon joined.

But, some time later...
In a capsule, Garma's Unit unearthed another capsule and accdently awoken Dr.Wily's final creation, Zero. And in a battle with Sigma was beaten. He reawoke and relised his humanity and fought as a Maverick Hunter.

So, that plus what CX said was basicly the start of it all.
You more or less have what was throughtout X1-8.
After the battles however, and due to a lot of what X viewed was correct to how the Federation and maverick Hunters, viewed the world, X decided to leave the Irregular Hunters. For a time he was simply trying to be a pacfist. Zero left as well and took on a lot of time fighting solo.
CX was awkening to his own powers, but also suffered a great loss(I'm sure he can explain)
Anyways, before long X relised that he was needed once again on the battlefield. He did not return to the Irregular Hunters because they had by the been absorbed into what is now the Federation. With the Supreme Commander in charge this massive group acts as  International Maverick Hunters.
Mega Man X along with Zero formed the X-Team. The ones who were at the start were, X,Zero, CX, ZX, Bass, Alia, Douglas, Palliate and Layer.  This group fights bravely to end Maverick threads around the world.

However, almost as soon as the X-Team was formed, the Mavericks under Sigma was revived. Sigma also dicided to employ pirates to help do his bidding and  a family known as the Bonnes were apart of the group...

Okay, so I know what you're thinking, the Bonnes? From Mega Man Legends? Well....yes and no. You see these were more or less the ancestors of the Bonnes from Legends....sort of...I'd go into a bigger explantion, but that would detract from the story and spoil some stuff...

ANYWAYS, back on topic, Sigma decided he wanted to use the pirates to attack the X-Team and try to give info to him. And for the most part it worked. However, getting info from the X-Team wasn't easy and Tron and her sister, Violet still had to go to school. Yeah, even pirates don't get off easy. (Because Teisel still wants the best for his family) Anyways, while going to school, they met Josh, Roynen and the others, even though they didn't know they were supposed to be enemies. Regardless for a time, it was interesting, friends at school, enemies on the battlefield. And as for Josh and Tron as they became closer than friends in school, they became stronger enemies on the field.

Soon, Josh found out about Tron and who she really was, but he still (weither he admits it or not) liked Tron. So on the battlefield, X would no longer harm the Bonnes. This started to confuse Tron a lot, and over time as this continued, she began to see X in a different light. Soon she became torn between Josh Light and Mega Man X and who she really loved. As this went on, Sigma and the Mavericks began to notice that the Bonnes were pretty much becoming useless. Therefore, Sigma ordered an attack on an energy base that ended up exploding with Tron inside, however, X saved her in the nick of time. It was here that Tron finally admitted to X that she was in love with Josh and not X. After this, Josh revealed to her that both he and X was one and the same person. Tron's conflicts began once again as her loyalty to her family and her love for Josh, caused her to turn away from him. However, to make matters worse Sigma soon learned of what was going on between Tron and Josh and devised a plan to use this to end X. He created a super cannon to be created, one that would do devistating damage to anything in it's path. Meanwhile, Josh still tried to get Tron and the Bonnes to leave the Mavericks. In one battle, it was all decided.
Sigma began to ready the cannon to attack another energy base and the X-Team came to fight them. The Bonnes were also called to protect the cannon as it charged it's attack. At the last moment, Sigma directed the Cannon's attack not at the base but at Tron herself. And just as Sigma had planned, X dashed in front of the blast, saving Tron, but taking the full power of the cannnon directly....

X was down and out. the power of the Cannon was too much and it seemed as if, Sigma's plan had indeed won. With X out of the picture, It was left to the rest of the small X-team to continue on without him and try to battle against Sigma's forces. Tron now seeing how far josh would go for her however, defected to the other side with the Bonnes, agreeing to go along as well. Adn though they gained new memebrs to help them, the loss of X did not bode well with everyone. However all was not lost. CX took X's place in order to keep order and with Zero they continued to fight. Sigma however, had plans for his newly devloped cannon. He was goint to transofr it into a tower Cannon with a sattlite amplifer that could rain down his destruction upon any part of the planet. With X gone and Sigma's plan going into action, teh world once hanged in the balance with te X-Team the only thing that dared to stand in the way. CX however had found a way to revive X and went out in order to save and bring him back. While he was away, Zero and the rest of the team fought against Sigma and tracked him down to his cannon Tower, just outside of Den Tech. While they fought, the cannon prepared to power up, but just as all hope seemed lost, CX returned with a revived X and together, they fought and was able to save the world from Sigma's grip once again. Defeated, Sigma retreated and Tron and the Bonnes found a new place to call home.

With Sigma's latest defeat, he figured that the problem and root cause to all of his misfortune and inablility to  take over the world was the X-Team and specifically, X. In order to combat him, Sigma devised a plan in order to gather all of the data on X that he could and create a perfect clone. He create a single copy that fought against the X-Team, but was outmacthed easily by them. However the data that was gained proved useful and he used it to create a new Reploid, Spitfire. Spitfire wanted power. And with X's data inside him, he went to the X-team under the guize of a new recruit. Spitfire proved himself and quickly rose through the ranks to become a solid member of the X-Team. However, it true self slowly began to show, even though he started to have feelings for Tron. Meanwhile, Sigma continued to work on createing a perfect clone. However over time, Spitfire could not take it anymore and when he and X were alone, he attacked him, stealing the Ultimate Sword and sending X away into the unknown. Upon his return, he claimed leadership with the power and with the Ultimate Sword, gaineing everything he wanted. However, Spitfire had changed from the plans that Sigma wanted. And it became a bout between all of them, with X once again, gone from action. However, it was here that X met new friends and they helped him return to stop Spitfire's plan The battle commenced down tot he wire once again, between Spitfire and X for leadership of the X-team. However with X's Ultimate Sword, Spitfire had the upper hand in the match. It was only when Zero gave X his Z-Saber, was X able to finally put Spitfire down. Spitfire fled and returned to Sigma and X retreived his Ultimate Sword. With everything back as it once was, they were now able to fight against Sigma. However, Spitfire informed Sigma of the Ultimate Sword's power as well as the data he collected on X while being a spy. A plan that was slowly brewing, was coming to fruition.

But in order to get more data, far more than anyone else save Dr.Light, knew about X, Sigma created a wormhole into the future. The ablility to use such power was breif and only CX, Tron and a couple of others were able to follow Spitfire as he followed Sigma's orders into the future. There in the future, CX and Tron were met with a dark reality. War had ravaged the land and they learned that since the time that they left, the war had gotten worse. Zero appeared to them in a different form(MMZ) and helped them to find and stop Spitfire as well as the twisted future. With the guidance of Ciel a scientist of that time, they were able to work to find Spitfire and what his plans were. However, while they continued foward, they heard that the X they all knew was in fact evil. tron couldn't believe this and when she went to go find out for herself, the evil X attacked her. Thankfully she was saved by a figure that had been watching them from the darkness, Shadow. With Shadow now helping them, CX and Tron were able to find Spitfire, however he had already alligned himself with the Evil X of that time and a great battle broke out. Zero and Shadow faced X, CX and Tron against Spitfire. In a last ditch effort, Spitfire opened the wromhole back to the past and jumped through. their time was short, But Zero was able to beat back the Evil X with the help of Shadow. And Tron discovered in the last instant, that Shadow was much more closer to her than she orginally knew.

Back in the present, everything went on normally as if nothing had happened, but tron soon found herself more attracted to X. However, time did not allow anything to coninue as Sigma's plan was finally ready. With Spitfire's data, Sigma was able to create a perfect copy of X. One that would be the Harbenger of Death. The battle and fate for the Earth was about to enter a whole other scale.

The Copy X, now fully activated followed Sigma's orders. He began to build a super robot one that could not only put the the X-team out of commission, but put the entire planet in the line of fire. With the galatic robot fully operational, the earth was on a hairpin trigger with Sigma holding the gun. in one quick motion the world was poised to fall under Sigma's rule and with the copy X under his command, everything was going his way perfectly...or so he thought.

The Copy X's data was gathered from the current X as well as data from spitfire and the X from the future, in all cases, one thing held true, comtempt and hatred for Sigma. The Copy X, once in the key position, instead took over the Galatic robot and declared him the sole ruler of all.

The battle was now moving into a 3-sided match!

More later!

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Friday 6th of November 2009 01:20:50 PM

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Thursday 19th of August 2010 12:06:06 AM

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Wednesday 7th of December 2011 05:21:52 PM

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Tuesday 8th of May 2012 11:03:30 PM

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Tuesday 8th of May 2012 11:32:31 PM
Hello all! Well, I am about to give you LONG lesson on the history of Mega Man. I will be covering everything from the start of the Classic series all the way to the Legends series. (I.e. Classic, X, Zero, ZX, BN, SF, Legends) This will be from my experience of playing the games, gathering information from the games, and from the creators of Mega Man and from what they said in interviews, ect.

SO, to say the least this will be L   O   N   G!!!!!!!!! And partialy biased..uh..I guess. Though I'm really going for the "un-biased" version. But you will be hearing my theorys, so ehh. I'm not going to try to cover the "Gaming history" of the series, but because part of that does affect Mega Man history, some of it will be in here.

Also, this forum will be locked and you cannot reply to it. If you have futher questions or want to comment on something, go to the forum that's created for it!

*Ahem* Now, strap in. Grab the popcorn and coke. Get confortable and get ready, cuz here we...go!!!

In the beginning.....there was a NES!!! *Yay* Which started the video-game world! and thanks to that we have Capcom, and Capcom games, and....Keji Inafune!!!! YAY!!! Who created Mega Man! YAY!!!
Okay, that's part done. On to the history!

Basicly, before or around the time of Mega Man's..uh..coming to life in Keji's head, there were animes(or cartoons) such as Astro Boy, or some of the others. So, Mega Man's history comes from those roots.

Sometime around 200X there were 2 doctors. Dr.Thomas Light and Dr. Albert Wily(Willy, whatever, don't argue the point on the names, please They are what they are)
Anyways, they were friends in college and whatnot and when they went into robotics both dicided to work together. In their lab they created the first robot.....Mega Man!!! WRONG! It was Protoman. yep. But, he ran away almost as soon as he was made. The two doctors then dicided to go"what the hay, let's make more!" (Like it won't have ANY conquences at all...>>)
So, they build 2 more and name them..Rock and Roll. (Yeah, I wonder what music they listened to in college..) okay, so they decided that they should serve as household robots. Rock can be a lab assistant and Roll can keep the house clean...yeah...go figure. Well, I guess that works because they build about 6 more robots. They assign them jobs to help out in the city. Mainly to help better life for everyone.

And all is nice and happy...for now.

Apparently, the press or something praised Dr.Light too much, or he was just crazy to begin with, but Dr. Wily suddenly saw that these robots could instead of building cities and helping the world, they could help him! To take over the world! So, he dicided to act on that and then re-programed the last 6 robots to work under his control. I'm guessing that Rock and Roll were out or something, or he though they wouldn't be of any use to him.(Yeahh...let's leave the only robot that could possibly destroy me and my plans for world dominition for about 9 games, alone)
Anyways, with these 6 robots Wily leaves the lab and basicly declares war on the world. And since the world doesn't have any robots to combat him(any that would work right anyways) Wily was basicly winning.
Dr.Light, who sees what's going on dicides that he needs to build a robot that will be able to fight him! But..that may take too long..or something.

Well, Rock speaks up and says that he would be willing to be re-made into a fighting robot and would gladly fight to protect peace. And Dr.Light agrees.

And so, Mega Man was born. Needless to say, Mega Man kicks Wily's but. A lot. Wily tries again, and again, and again, and again, get the idea.
Well, thoughout all of this Dr.Light also builds support robots from Mega Man. Mainly, Rush his dog. Which can fuse with him and act as armor. Beat his bird, which can fly and help him. and Tango...which..I don't really remember what heal, I think.
Well, there's also Eddie and Auto, and of course Roll. With all of these helping Mega Man, he's really pwning Wily. And Wily doesn't like it. So what does he do? He decides to build a new energy. Well, it kinda flops and he gets this crazy energy He names Bassinaum(I believe that's right..the name..) He uses that to build a robot that can counter Mega Man. To be the one that will finally beat him. He builds Bass.

Well, that works for about 10 secs. Then Bass basicly decides that his lot in life is to beat Mega Man and that no one can get in his way. Even his master. (Maybe that's the problem with the energy..?)
Well, from then on Bass is more of a rival or anti-hero than anything. So, yeah. There ya go.

Well, around this time we get the SNES and then Capcom makes Mega Man X. From here it's speculation and some facts that I have found and tried to put together to try to create some sort of bridge from the Classic series to the X series. 

Wily fixes his mistake on the energy that has been powering Bass. It's never really said what the energy is called, but you can guess that it's the Zero Virus. Wily build a entirely new robot. One that will far surpass all the current robots that he has made so far. He plans to unleash this robot and use him to control the soon as he fixes it...and builds it...

Meanwhile, Dr.Light has been thinking somewhere down that line. I'm guessing it's from the abilitys that he's been seeing in Mega Man, he decides to build a entirely new robot. One that can do somthing else no other robot can currently do. Think, feel, and make it's own dicisions. 

Okay, hold it. Now there's a question. What makes X different from Rock?  I mean, Rock usually seems to think and feel and do all those things right? Not exactly. You see, Dr.Light created and programed him to be that way. So his actions are dicitated by that programing. He can't disobey those orders. He can only act within those parameters and nothing else. Cheifly, he cannot disobey the Laws or Robotics. Mainly the rule that states that a robot must never harm a human. (Oddly enough that line was almost crossed in MM7, which may be part of the reason of why Dr.Light began research in Mega Man X?)
Now, another question. Is Rock, X? My answer? No. Why? several reasons. For starters, X is at least 100 years older that Rock. Not that that really matters for robots exactly, but a 100 year robot doesn't exactly work well now does it? X is also around the age of 18-20, where Rock is much younger. It just really seems (to me at least) that they are 2 different robots. Something like a Dad-son/bother-brother, difference between the two. Even they've never really met each other...though there is that cartoon, but that's not canton really. Could have Rock become X? Possibly, but the question becomes, why erase all memories of his past? Why upgrade him and then stick him in a capsule for 100 years when he's already been fighting from the start? And obvously there's the Day of Sigma reference to X being built, so it's basicly seems like X and Rock are two different robots. Not to metion that Keji Inafune has basicly that they are not the same and timeline-wise X was created and sealed by Mega Man 9, in which Mega Man was still around. So, yeah....I'm pretty sure they're not the same.

Anyways, I figure that what happened between the Classic series and the X series is this:
Rock, Roll, Protoman, Bass, ect. All of them, just like Dr.Light, got old. They eventually became obsolete. I mean think about it. It doesn't take too very long for others to learn how to build robots too. Dr.Light and Dr.Wily didn't have a monopoly on it you know. I mean, Dr. Cossack was already building robots by, what? MM4-5?

I think that the defect that was with Protoman in the begining finally caught up with him. He wouldn't let anyone mess with his configuriation, not even his creators(Dr.Light/Wily). I would surmise that it finally got the best of him and he was dammaged beyond repair.

Bass either went too far and was finally put down by Rock, or became an anti-hero and sorta helped protect the world for a time with Rock.

Basicly, all just grew old, oblolete.

I think that about this time, Light finally finished X and sealed him to check that he wouldn't go crazy and become evil.

Now, there is(or was) another question here: Did Zero kill everyone?
For starters, think about it. IF Zero was released, he would of course canned everyone. But, Wily would have finally gained control over the world and everything would have been under his control. 100 years wouldn't change that. X couldn't have been there because he was sealed. Wily would have won and he would have ruled the world. The End.
This of course can't and doesn't happen, so no, Zero did not wake up and kill everyone.
Want more proof? Keji Inafune himself said that Zero was not around during the time of the Classic series. So, that ends it there.

I figure that the reason Zero was never activated than, was because Wily finally lost to Mega Man. I would guess he became too old and Zero was his final creation to bail him out, and before he could, Mega Man stopped him and threw him in jail. And without anything else to help him, he just finally lost and gave up. (Maybe eventually did become a good guy again?...ehh...he did in EXE so...)
Anyways, I think that the majorty of the 100 year gap between the classic and X series was pretty quiet. I think that everything really started to become crazy was when Dr.Cain, found Mega Man X.

The X series basicly starts out like this:

One day an old Doctor who researches in ancient biology(uh..old rock plants..stuff)
Anyways, accdently finds an old building way out in the middle of nowhere. He inspects the building and finds a capsule. (If you haven't watched the Day of Sigma, watch it) Anyways, he reads Dr.Lights warning and then opens the capsule to reveal the last creation of Dr.Light, Mega Man X.
*Dramatic pause*
Okay, this Doctor was so impressed that the basicly quit his job and helped X. (This is Dr.Cain, btw) He then used X's blueprints to make and manafacture more robots like him! And with this the Replioids were born...and you know the cycle that was just about 100 years ago is about to repeat itself...
Well, with all of the new Replioids being made, Dr.Cain also decides to build his own robot, Sigma. And for a time everything was going good...until it became aware to the govt. in 20XX that some replioids were attacking people and other replioids. Nothing big I would guess, but enough that the Irregular Hunters were formed to act as a police for the replioids( Or they were just made to be some special until for the govt. or something). And with this Sigma and X joined as well. Sigma quickly rose through the ranks and became leader of the 17th Unit Division. X while not really into fighting, stayed in a lower rank and didn't really do much.

Then one day, Garma(or Gamma)'s unit uncovered another underground building. except this time around what they found wasn't nice. By the time that the 17th Unit Division responded to the touble, Garma's Unit was wiped out. Unknownly, that unit released something that would change the world. Sigma entered the building and fought aganist the first Maverick, Zero. In the battle Sigma almost lost (like no arm, beaten up, ripped apart and almost destroyed..>>)
However before Zero delivered the final blow, the energy within Zero swelled within him and showed a "W" mark on the crystal on his helmet. This for some reason caused pain to Zero and he fell back. Sigma took the chance and rammed his fist right at Zero, directly where his crystal was.
This stopped Zero and Sigma won the battle. Sigma ordered that the robot be taken back and that Dr.Cain look at him.

What Sigma didn't really know then was that he caught the Virus that was within Zero. Even more so since the Virus was at it's strongest.
Now for some questions!
Why did the Zero Virus cause Zero pain?
Ans: I believe that it was a divice that Dr.Wily would use to keep Zero in check. Most likely a fail safe to insure that Zero wouldn't try to go aganist him. In this case, it activated when he fought Sigma.
But even then there's a question! Why would it activate if Dr.Wily was already dead? Wouldn't that just not work.....?

So anyways, Zero was rebuilt and when we was activated he forgot all memory of the past. I would guess at least. When it was dicovered that the had very high combat skills he was enlisted into the Irrgular Hunters. There he met X, became friends, and worked in his own Unit.

This went on for a bit....however..
The Virus that was within Sigma slowly merged with him. And the start of a battle that would last a VERY long time was about to begin.

But, another question has poped up! A fundamental question!! You know how Capcom and everyone is always saying,"The dicision to wage war was made consicously." Basicly meaning that Sigma willing dicided to fight and become a Maverick. Why? What's the point of all of this?
Ans: The Zero Virus and Sigma himself.
Here's what I'm guessing: I believe that after some time after the fight with Sigma, Sigma dicovered that he had contracted a virus. Where he may have not been entirely sure, however, I believe instead of completly getting rid of it on the spot, he anylised it. I think he dicovered the possible potential of power the virus could give him and allowed it to take him over. And with this power I think he finally dicided that he was far better than a Maverick Hunter. And I think that started the WHOLE thing.
The fact that Sigma willing let the Virus take him over shows that he wanted power, and that he was willing to do what he needed to get the power. Quite interesting that Sigma started this little war when it was Zero who was destined to, hm?

Anyways, (More or less like the Day of Sigma, OVA) Things unfolded like Sigma wanted to, hiding his true motives until it was to late to stop him. And thus, you have Mega Man X( the first game)

The story followed just like the game with the followers of Sigma turning Maverick and attacking key areas of the world. This causes X and Zero to go into action and fight the aganist them. Eventually, they arrived at Sigma's newly made palace and it was here that Zero died in a battle with Vile. X continued and fought aganist Sigma, winning and temporally end the fight.

However, the box that Sigma opened was not just going to be shut. Even with Sigma gone, he was able to spread the virus to others, infecting them and turning many into Mavericks. With these Mavericks still out of control it was left to X and a new band of Maverick Hunters to fight aganist them all. Dr.Cain was able to find some data on a warehouse that was making the Mavericks and X was sent to destory it. It was here, that a new threat was revealed...3 leaders had emerged in the abstance of Sigma. Serges, Violen, and Agile, had assumed the leadership and revealed a huge secret! They hold the parts of X's friend, Zero! It was left to X to fight and gather the parts from the X-Hunters to revive Zero. After a long battle aganist new Mavericks and the X-Hunters, X, with the help of Dr.Cain, tracked their base to the Noth Pole. it was there they the real battle begun, as after the final defeat of the X-Hunters, it was revealed that Sigma had been revived! Not only that, but he had taken control of Zero!(well...that kinda depends on the way you play the game) However, before Sigma could order Zero to destory X, he was quickly destoryed by the real Zero! It was here that a hint of the future was given. Sigma revealed to Zero that he was destined to join him and fight aganist X. Zero just replied that he didn't like him, so he's not going to join. (..yeah..go figure..)
In the final battle, it was also revealed that the true form of Sigma was a virus. It was a hard battle, but X beat Sigma and Zero was able to take out the Main comp. The war was once again won and X and Zero was able to take a quick breather before the next wave began.

In X3, the Hunters received some new intel about a Replioid Doctor by the name of Doppler. He stated that he had found a cure for the Maverick Virus. He created a town for the ex-Mavericks and led them into supposed peace. However, over time it was found that the Virus cure was a fake and that Dr.Doppler himself was Mavericks. Before anything could be done the Mavericks attacked the Hunter Base! X and Zero were dispatched to fight them and begin a campain aganist Dr.Doppler. With Zero now helping, X was able to fight the Mavericks and fight his way to Dr.Doppler. Here, it was revealed that Dr.Doppler had been taken under by Sigma and was building him a new body to take over. (Depending on how you beat the game, I think) X and Zero fought aganist Sigma in his new body, however his virus form tried to take X over. Dr.Doppler, in a last ditch effort(or Zero depending on how you beat the game) attacks the Virus form of Sigma. Stopping him and allowing X and Zero to escape with their lives and the war once again, at a temporally end.

By the time of X4, the Irregular Hunters had grown strong. However, they were getting some new competition with some new Hunters known as the Repliforce. Acting more military than a fighting force, the Repliforce started off as a great front to fight aganist the Mavericks. However, Sigma did not like this too much and dicided to pit the two forces(Irrigular Hunters and the Repliforce)aganist each other....
During this time, X and Zero dicided to become friends with the Repliforce. Zero quickly became friends with the Colonel of the Repliforce and quickly and romanticly with his sister, Iris. It was laso during this time that a new Hunter emerged. Not exactly as a great fighter, but more like a klutz, Double.
However, Sigma's plan were put into motion as he tricked the General of the Repliforce and then destroyed the Sky Lagoon, making it look like the Repliforce had gone Maverick. Lines were drawn as the Repliforce tried to declare independance aganist the assults of the world. This caused a huge rift with Zero as he now became bitter rivals with Colonel and Iris being caught inbetween. X and Zero were dispatched to stop the Repliforce at all costs and new enemys appeared.
The battle soon came down to bouts as, X began to try to reson with the General and Zero fighing aganist the Colonel. As Iris watched powerless to stop her brother and the man she loved from fighting, Sigma took the chance and gave her power to fight, Maverick power. It was here, that the Colonel was defeated and Iris lost aganist Zero. She dided in Zero's arms telling him that she just wanted a place where she, her brother and him could live in peace and that she thought that the only way was to have a replioid only world.
As Zero fought, X suddenly relised that the Irregular Hunters themselves had been tricked. Double revealed himself a Maverick and fought aganist X, eventually losing. X and Zero finally reached the true enemy who had been manapulating the whole show, Sigma, who had taken control of a space cannon. It was here that a HUGE look into the past was shown, the first time Zero and Sigma met, and that Zero was orginally ment to fight as a Maverick himself. This was probably the first time that really knew that he was ment for evil. In the great battle, Sigma was beaten once again and the General threw himself into the mouth of the space cannon and imploded it. X and Zero escaped, however a certian uneasieness lurked. With what had happened and how easily they were all tricked by Sigma, X wondered if he too would one day become a Maverick. And if so, he asked that Zero be the one to stop him. Zero on the other hand, Zero was trying to get through losing Iris and knowing that it was him who caused it. He was supposed to be a Maverick, and that one day, he may have to fight X as one. The truth was starting to reveal itself and what would come would pit the two Hunters aganist each other and only one would return....

The trigger of all of this was, of course, Sigma. It seems that between the events of X4 and up to X5, he came into contact with a scientist. This scientist seemed to know a lot about Zero and with the information, Sigma divised a plan. He hired a man known as Dynamo and took over the space colony, Eurasia. He then filled the entire colony with the Sigma Virus.  While this was happening, he then started to turn more replioids of Earth into Mavericks. As much as he possibly could. This would tax and weaken the Maverick Hunters. As well, as expose Zero to more of the virus.
By now, Zero had already relised that something was wrong. Everytime he would fight a Maverick and come into contact with the Virus, instead of doing what it would normaly do with other replioids(excluding X) wasn't happing to him. Instead it was enpowering him. Making him stronger...
Sigma, sent the colony into the atmosphere, but before hand, the Maverick Hunters, with X and Zero, rebuilt a earth to air cannon, gaining parts from Mavericks or dealers and fired it at the colony. However, it proved that it alone would not stop the colony. It was then left to Zero to piloit a spacecraft and ram it into the remaining colony. Zero survives the attacks and lands, where the Maverick Hunters try to rescue him. However, Alia detects a new virus that is similer to the Sigma Virus. X and Zero go to investagate the creator created by Eurasia. There they find the Virus all over the place. It is called the Zero Virus and both hunter go in to a huge fight with old enemys. After these battles, X become concerned with the sudden surge in power that Zero has suddenly gotten and askes Zero to head back to base. Zero refuses and Lifesaver believes that he has gone Maverick with the immunity to the Zero Virus. The line is drawn and both begin to fight each other. Sigma attempts to attack the both of them in their weaken state, but fails and flees. X and Zero chace after him together and finally confronts him in a showdown. It is here that Sigma reveals that his plan was accuatly done with the help of a doctor who know a lot about Zero. Enough to be his father....
He also comments on how this doctor has a undying hatred for X...
Here Sigma reveals his final form and fights aganist X and Zero. The battle ends with X and Zero winning the fight, however, Sigma is not just going to die like before. He then self-destructs and catches X and Zero in the explosion. Zero take the brunt of the explosion, losing his lower body and one of his arms. X tries to save Zero but to no avail. Sigma was somehow able to still live through the blast and charges a beam that rips through both X and Zero's chests. Zero quickly responds and destroys Sigma once again with a charge shot. Zero then remembers the past, and even some about his creator before finally passing away. At this time, X was also near the brink of death. However, it was not his time just yet, as a blue light appeard and helped X...
About 3 years later, X is doing fine and is responding to another attacks. With his Z-Saber, X dashes off to another battle...

In the era of X6, the Earth is basicly a wasteland. When Eurasia was destoryed, a lot of it still entered the atmosphere and devastated the planet. That along with the remains of the Virus that was within the colony,it really did a job of messing stuff up. In fact, it was begining to be so bad that the human race was starting to move underground to avoid all the danger. It was the left to the replioids to clean up the mess of what had happened and to make the Earth habitable again.  This is where we find X, about a couple of weeks after the big battle. X has been cleaning and fighting aganist the Mavericks when he suddenly gets a call from Alia about a beserk mechaniloid. X investigates only to find that the mech has gone crazy and that it's really strong. Suddenly out of nowhere, Zero pops up and saves X!! Just as soon as he arrives though, he's gone. X believes that Zero is still alive, but before he can say anything a news annoucement is bordcasted. A replioid named Isocc has delcared that a unknown anomaly has appeared and has caused a lot of trouble, such as causing many other replioids to go Maverick. This anomaly, he states, has taken the form of Zero and has been dubbed the Zero Nightmare. Replioids are to be aware of this and to help aid in the destruction of Zero.
X became enraged of this because Zero gave his life to ensure the survival of everyone. That someone would attempt to drag Zero's name through the mud was unforgivable. X, with Alia and the others set out to find the truth about the Zero Nightmare. The start of was with the investagation of the Nightmare Investagetors. X goes to talk to them each, but they come across as Maverick and attack X. X begins to wonder about Isocc and Alia finds that the replioids that X has been meeting have all be killed before! What's more is that Alia knew all of them! A dark past is revealed when Alia tell the story about how Alia and her collegue made these replioids go into missions that they knew would kill them. Alia was sadden that she had relive her past. Eventually, they find that the man behind these Nightmares was Alia's former collegue, Gate. X goes to confront only to relise that he has gone Maverick. The backstory is that Gate found a piece of rubble in the destruction of Eurasia. It turned out to be a piece of Zero, which once in contact with Gate drove him Maverick. Gate created the Zero Nightmare and used Issoc and the Investagetors. He also created High Max with a ramped version of Zero's DNA. X tried to stop them but to no avail. It was then that Zero revealed himself to X and helped him to finish the fight. Gate in his weakend state revealed that he revived the monster that had started all of this. Before he could say anything else, he was killed by non other than Sigma. X and Zero both went and put the half-complete Signa to a final rest and X informs Sigma that he must rebuild the planet and should he retur he would only be put down again. X and Zero returned from the battle with the body of Gate. Alia asked why they would save him because he was beyond repair. X replied that he knew what it was like to lose a friend. Zero apologizes about leaving and they all vow to rebuild the Earth.

(Hello all! Sorry for the break, back to the story!)

Anyways, after the events of X6 the Earth is slowly on the mend. Because of all of this X dicides to withdraw from active battle because of this moral issues of fighting and to try and find other ways to rebuild the Earth. Because of his withdraw, there is a steady increase of Maverick crime and new independent groups are formed and fight for supermacy of hunting down Mavericks. One such group, the Red Alert Syndicate, becomes more and more dominant. They are however are made up of a bunch of vigilantes who do a bit more than just hunt Mavericks.
Within this group a member named Axl tries to leave the group because of the ways of the Syndicate. However, the leader of the group, Red, does not approve and attempts to retrive Axl by sending a mechaniloid after him.
The whole thing causes the resopnse from the Hunter H.Q. who sends out Zero to investagate. The runs into Axl and the both fight the mechaniloid and destory it. Zero then takes Axl back to Hunter Base. This action cause Red to issue a challenge to the Hunters and a battle between them and the Syndicate begins for custody of Axl.
Axl has heard about X in the past and wants to become a Hunter like him and tries to impress the former Hunter. X still decides to stay behind and tries to reslove the issues with diplomacy. He sees the battle as just another needless war, and doesn't want to be apart of it. Zero and Axl go into action for a while, before it is clear that X is need on the front lines. He eventually rejoins the group and fights with them to end the battle. They eventually make it to the Crimson Palace, H.Q. of the Syndicate and there they find Sigma behind the scenes again. They defeat him and X promotes Axl to fight as an official Maverick Hunter.

After the events of X7, the humans of the time relise that living on the Earth is nigh impossible. At least it will take a very long time at the rate that everything is going, with the battles between the Mavericks and Replioids. Therefore, a project is opened to try and colonize the nearest heavenly body in space...the Moon.
The basic idea is pretty simple, make a big evelator and pretty much send everything from Earth to the Moon.
There's just one little problem.
Trying to build an evelator to the Moon will take a LONG time. SO, what do you do? Simple, mass produce replioids with the ability of a Copy Chip so that they can handle any problems! Right?
It seems that while they dicided to put a Next-Gen Replioid named Lumine in charge of the whole thing, they also used the DNA of every Replioid from the past...yes...EVERY one. Including Sigma.

You know, when the docs were putting this all together and saw that Sigma's DNA was being thrown in the mix, they would have thought that SOMETHING would have gone wrong....>>

Anyways, X, Zero and Axl are pretty much trying to help do whatver they can, like security and stuff when Lumine get captured by none other than Vile. Nice to see him again...
Well, the three go duke it out with 8 bosses once again and finally make it to the Moon where they fight Vile and fight Sigma! OMG, he's not dead! And he looks kinda creepy. Well, Sigma reveals that the Next-Gen replioids have his DNA and that all of the replioids will help him rule the world. Of couse that doesn't work because they all beat Sigma once again (for the 8th time)
Well, yay. Alls done. Sigma gone, we save Lumine, all is-
wait. Looks like Lumine doesn't want to go back and HE want to rule the world, or at least the Next-Gen replioids. Seems that because of Sigma's DNA being thrown in the mix of the Copy Chip, all of these new repiloids can turn Maverick at will. which means that they don't have to obey humans and can start their own little war. And since they can also transform into almost any replioid, they're good.
Lumine explains to X, Zero and Axl that they are old robots and that this is the way that Replioids are supposed to go. It's something that cannont be stopped and they they should just face facts and die.
Well, that doesn't sit to well with Axl who shoots at Lumine, this also gets Zero who pretty much doesn't care what is supposed to be because he's not going to let him win. X also agrees and the fight is on.
Lumine eventually falls to the 3 and remarks on how stupid they are and that they will soon find out about the truth. He the deactivates.
Axl walks over to his body, but is suddenly attacked by some odd tentacle that hits Axl where his crystal on this helmet is. He faints and falls backward. Zero slices the aparent monster dwelling within Lumine and X catched Axl before finishing off Lumine's body with a Charge Shot.
The 3 get back on the evelator and head back down where they think about what Lumine said about the future of Replioids. X wonders if he's right and if it's only a matter of time before all Replioids become Maverick and if it's somthing that is supposed to happen. However, Zero guesses that X was worring about it and assures him that even if that is true, they still have to fight. For Humans, Replioids and everything else.
Zero also remember about waht Lumine said about Sigma and that perhaps Sigma IS finally dead. O_O(What they!? 8th times the charm???)
Anways, while they all decend to Earth to rest and get back, no one notices a small shimmer of light in Axl's helment from the attack that he received from the dead Lumine, and it's anyones guess on what it may mean in the future...

As soon as it was discovered that Lumine and the Next-Gen replioids were behind the whole attack, the production of the replioids were stopped. However, the demand for them still not go away. With everyone still wanting to go to the moon, the Next-Gen replioids were still greatly needed. A couple of years later, production of the replioids was renstated, despite the warnings of many....

what will that lead to?

more later...

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Tuesday 12th of January 2010 12:00:26 AM

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Thursday 19th of August 2010 11:33:47 AM

-- Edited by Mega Man X on Thursday 19th of August 2010 11:35:23 AM
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